Brentwood Bank will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. We will re-open at 8:30 am on Tuesday, February 18th.  For your convenience, ATM, online banking, mobile banking and night drop are available.


Traditional savings with a PassCard.

Prefer maintaining a record of each account transaction in a handy PassCard? Still available at Brentwood Bank! 

Save and earn interest the traditional way, with a regular PassCard savings account, while keeping your money safe and secure.


  • Earn competitive rates for balances over $250
  • All transactions recorded on your account PassCard
  • Updates and service provided by branch office team
  • Visit a location convenient to you for all deposits and withdrawals
  • $50 to open
  • Fee and minimum balance requirement will be waived if a checking account is also maintained
  • No monthly fee if you maintain a $250 minimum balance
Schedule an Appointment

Savings Account Rates

View All Rates
Personal Savings Accounts
Account Name

High Yield Savings

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest

$5,000 - $999,999
Over $999,999


3.55% - 2.37%

Account Name

Statement Savings

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest




Account Name

Interest Rewards Saver3,4

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest

$0 - $50,000
Over $50,000
All balances if qualifications not met


2.53% - 2.27%

Account Name

PassCard Savings

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest




Account Name

Holiday Club Savings

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest




Account Name

Kids Looney Tunes Savings Club

Minimum to Open


Minimum Daily Balance to Earn Interest




Rates may change after account is opened. Rates accurate as of 2/13/2025.
Fees may reduce earnings.
1 Annual Percentage Yields (APY) are based upon daily balance.
2 Requires $5,000 in new money not currently on deposit at Brentwood Bank. Balances between $5,000 and $999,999 earn 3.55% APY and balances of $1,000,000 or greater earn 1.76% APY on the portion of the balance that exceeds $999,999, resulting in a range from 3.55% to 2.37%, depending on the account's balance. You must maintain $5,000 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.
3 To earn rewards, simply perform the following activities and transactions in your Interest Rewards Checking account each monthly qualification cycle:
  • Have at least 12 debit card purchases (each in the amount of at least $5.00) post and settle to your account.
  • Be enrolled in online banking, and be enrolled in and agree to receive eStatements.
4 Must have Interest Rewards Checking or Cash Back Rewards Checking to enroll in Interest Rewards Saver.

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